Class PriorityQueue


Fully Qualified Name: Zend\Stdlib\PriorityQueue
Implements: Countable, IteratorAggregate, Serializable


Re-usable, serializable priority queue implementation

SplPriorityQueue acts as a heap; on iteration, each item is removed from the queue. If you wish to re-use such a queue, you need to clone it first. This makes for some interesting issues if you wish to delete items from the queue, or, as already stated, iterate over it multiple times.

This class aggregates items for the queue itself, but also composes an "inner" iterator in the form of an SplPriorityQueue object for performing the actual iteration.


Name Description Defined By
__clone() Add support for deep cloning PriorityQueue
contains() Does the queue contain the given datum? PriorityQueue
count() How many items are in the queue? PriorityQueue
extract() Extract a node from the inner queue and sift up PriorityQueue
getIterator() Retrieve the inner iterator PriorityQueue
hasPriority() Does the queue have an item with the given priority? PriorityQueue
insert() Insert an item into the queue PriorityQueue
isEmpty() Is the queue empty? PriorityQueue
remove() Remove an item from the queue PriorityQueue
serialize() Serialize the data structure PriorityQueue
setInternalQueueClass() Specify the internal queue class PriorityQueue
toArray() Serialize to an array PriorityQueue
top() Peek at the top node in the queue, based on priority. PriorityQueue
unserialize() Unserialize a string into a PriorityQueue object PriorityQueue

Method Details


Add support for deep cloning

Returns: void


Does the queue contain the given datum?

Parameter Name Type Description
$datum mixed

Returns: bool


How many items are in the queue?

Returns: int


Extract a node from the inner queue and sift up

Returns: mixed


Retrieve the inner iterator

SplPriorityQueue acts as a heap, which typically implies that as items are iterated, they are also removed. This does not work for situations where the queue may be iterated multiple times. As such, this class aggregates the values, and also injects an SplPriorityQueue. This method retrieves the inner queue object, and clones it for purposes of iteration.

Returns: \SplPriorityQueue


Does the queue have an item with the given priority?

Parameter Name Type Description
$priority int

Returns: bool


Insert an item into the queue

Priority defaults to 1 (low priority) if none provided.

Parameter Name Type Description
$data mixed
$priority int

Returns: \PriorityQueue


Is the queue empty?

Returns: bool


Remove an item from the queue

This is different than {@link extract()}; its purpose is to dequeue an item.

This operation is potentially expensive, as it requires re-initialization and re-population of the inner queue.

Note: this removes the first item matching the provided item found. If the same item has been added multiple times, it will not remove other instances.

Parameter Name Type Description
$datum mixed

Returns: bool False if the item was not found, true otherwise.


Serialize the data structure

Returns: string


Specify the internal queue class

Please see {@link getIterator()} for details on the necessity of an internal queue class. The class provided should extend SplPriorityQueue.

Parameter Name Type Description
$class string

Returns: \PriorityQueue


Serialize to an array

By default, returns only the item data, and in the order registered (not sorted). You may provide one of the EXTR_* flags as an argument, allowing the ability to return priorities or both data and priority.

Parameter Name Type Description
$flag int

Returns: array


Peek at the top node in the queue, based on priority.

Returns: mixed


Unserialize a string into a PriorityQueue object

Serialization format is compatible with {@link Zend\Stdlib\SplPriorityQueue}

Parameter Name Type Description
$data string

Returns: void
